Appendix 4: Generating a new project
In every project there are different ways to start, most of them concern scaffolding tools like Yeoman or Slush. These tools generate a starter project, help you generate needed files, and take care of building and running the project. Other ways to start are using starter kits, are also called seed projects, which contain all you need to start the project. Unlike scaffolding tools, starter kits are relevant only for the initial project. After installation you probably won't use that kit again (if it's a good starter kit maybe you'll go back to read the documentation).
Regarding Angular, the most easy way to start with is the Angular CLI which is a scaffolding tool. we will cover its use in this tutorial.
In this chapter we show all the files and folders that are created by the Angular CLI when you create a new project. We'll start with one important action: changing the application prefix.
Application prefix
The prefix is used to differentiate the components that you create in your application from components you use from other sources, and from HTML components. You can give your initials as the prefix if it's a personal project. If you're collaborating or working for a client, you can have the initials of the project name as the prefix. In this tutorial, the prefix will simply be todo
The Angular CLI generated a configuration file for its own use: angular.json
. Open this file, find the prefix
property and change its value from app
to todo
. From now on, each component and directive you will create using Angular-CLI will have this prefix in its selector.
When you change your prefix, you have to keep it in mind for the rest of the tutorial!
We could have defined the prefix when we created the project, by adding --prefix <prefix>
. Then even the root component that is generated would have this prefix. But we're fine with its current selector, app-root
, and we will not change it at this moment.
Application structure
the first thing to start with when you work with the cli is scaffold the initial project.
to do so you can simply create a folder and write ng init
from that point the Angular CLI will download all the dependencies and install them. other way to scaffold the initial project is writing ng new <project-name>
and the Angular CLI will create the folder for you and ng init
in that folder.
after we created the project we will get file in this format
lets skip all the configurations files for now and jump right to the folder structure. the app is the main component of the application from that point we start our app. we will cover components in more depth in later tutorial but the main idea of the project is that we create a components and connect them to each other until we have an application.
with the Angular CLI we can generate components and some other files which can help us in the future. to do so we should write ng generate component <component name>
for components and ng generate route <route path>
for routes and many more which can be review in angular cli docs
now you probably ask how do you see and review your application?
your command for that would be ng serve
and you'll be able to access you app in http://localhost:4200
and last but not least if you want to build your application for production you should write ng build
and there you have it, easy way to scaffold you Angular application
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