#2: More interaction! Upload photos

Thatโ€™s nice to see some interaction in your application. You display a bunch of thumbnails, you can click on them to see whole photo, and click again to hide photo.

To do so, we created one BehaviorSubject and one Observable. Did you notice how we keep track of active photo? No need to remove old value, nor clean data. You just put next value on Subject and it becomes the current value. Data flows one way. Send some data to Subject โ€“ react to it. Event happens, you send another piece data โ€“ you react to it. Thatโ€™s RxJS bread and butter.

Next thing thatโ€™d be nice to have in photo gallery is photo upload. First thing: we create a new Component. Let your imagination run wild! If it uploads photos, letโ€™s call it: photo-upload! This one is going to be fun! Here weโ€™ll use RxJS to process stream of incoming photos, pass it to photos service and display in our gallery.

Photo upload

We want to take some data from user. Soโ€ฆ we should use HTML input! You probably used it for text input before, but it also has file version. How does it look? Roughly, like this:

<input type="file"
       accept="image/png, image/jpg, image/jpeg"

Thatโ€™s a lot of attributes on the input element! Letโ€™s walk through each attribute together.

Type file indicates that our element will gather files. multiple="multiple" means it accepts many files at once. [(ngModel)]="filesCollectionโ€ allows us to control value of input from Angular. accept="image/png, image/jpg, image/jpeg" limits types of files we accept. (change)="handleFileInput($event.target.files)" means, as youโ€™ve already may deduced, that every time new files come to your input, youโ€™ll handle them using handleFileInput method.

The HTML is ready, letโ€™s proceed to our Component logic.

Handle new files

Do you think youโ€™re ready to add new photos to your gallery? Because I think you are. Letโ€™s see how to implement handleFileInput and break it down, piece by piece:

handleFileInput(images: File[]) {
    const imagesCollection = Array.from(images)
    const imagesContent: Array<Promise<FileContent>> =
        imagesCollection.map(file => readFileContent(file))

    const uploadedImages$ = forkJoin(imagesContent).pipe(
        map(imagesSources => {
            const imagesWithSource = imagesCollection.map(
                (image, idx) => ({
                    name: image.name,
                    id: uuid(),
                    url: imagesSources[idx]

            return imagesWithSource

        photos => this.photosService.newPhotos$.next(photos)

For starters we create constant imagesCollection. File input returns value of type FileList. FileList doesnโ€™t have familiar methods like map or forEach so it has to be transformed into Array. From now on we can use all Array methods on it.

The first thing weโ€™re going to do with our images is take their contents out and save in browser-friendly format. Thatโ€™s what happens when we create constant imagesContent. We take the array of images and map it to array of images content. Because reading file content may take long itโ€™s asynchronous. Therefore function readFileContent returns Promise. It opens file, reads it into format browser understands and resolves Promise once the file is read.

Oh no! What now! So far, weโ€™ve been dealing with Observables and now we have Array of Promises! What do we do?!

Never fear! Iโ€™m gonna tell you a little secret. RxJS already has our backs. It is smart enough to recognize that in some situations thereโ€™s no visible difference between Observable and Promise. Both are objects that hold reference to value that will come sometime in future. Promise resolves only once, Observable can resolve many times, but sometimes itโ€™s not that much of a difference.

Now, weโ€™re going to use RxJS function forkJoin to create uploadedImages$. Itโ€™ll take our Array of Promises, wait until they all resolve, then put all resolved values into one Array and pass it down to Observable. Itโ€™s so smart! Letโ€™s recap, once again, what it does for us. 1. We feed it with Array of Promises (objects that will have some value in future). 2. It waits for all Promises to resolve. 3. It collects data from all Promises, puts data in Array and returns Observable that holds this Array. Quite similar to JavaScript native Promise.all, but returns Observable, so we can use all RxJS operators and functions on it!

And what should happen when we read all images? Take list of sources and merge it with list of images. When data is ready, send it to Photos service via newPhotos$ Subject.

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