#6 ⚙️Connect Database

Create custom pipes

We will add two custom pipes in our app

  • Excerpt: which will show a summary of post in blog card.

  • Slug: which will show the URL slug for a post.

We will create a a new pipe named ExcerptPipe. Right-click on the folder 📁custompipes and then navigate to 'Angular Generator', select 'Pipe' and provide the name ‘excerpt.

Replace the transform method in the file 📝 src/app/custompipes/excerpt.pipe.ts with the following code :

transform(content: string) {
    const postSummary = content.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig, '');
    if (postSummary.length > 300) {
    return postSummary.substr(0, 300) + ' [...]';
    } else {
    return postSummary;

Furthermor we create a slug pipe. Right-click on the folder 📁custompipes and then navigate to 'Angular Generator', select 'Pipe' and provide the name ‘slug’.

Replace the transform method in the file 📝 src/app/custompipes/slug.pipe.ts with the following code:

transform(title: string) {
    const urlSlug = title.trim().toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, '-');
    return urlSlug;

Get the blogs from database

We will add the getAllPosts method in 📝src/app/services/blog.service.ts file to fetch all the blog posts from database. The definition for getAllPosts is shown at blog.service.ts (Github)

getAllPosts(): Observable<any> {
    const blogs = this.db.collection('blogs', ref => ref.orderBy('createdDate', 'desc')).snapshotChanges().pipe(
    map(actions => {
        return actions.map(
        c => ({
            postId: c.payload.doc.id,
    return blogs;

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